Monday, 21 April 2014

What is Male Pattern Baldness is and How to Treat it?

Male pattern baldness or Androgenetic alopecia is a hair loss problem that occurs underlying hair follicles get vulnerable to Androgenetic miniaturization. It is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and women. It is good to know that this condition affects more than 70% of men and 40% of women at sometime in their life. Men who suffer this condition experience hairline recession at the temple and vertex balding. Women who are victim to this condition notice thin hair over the top of scalp. This condition is caused by both genetic and environmental factors; however, its some causes are still unknown.

Male pattern hair loss is never caused by ponytails, stress, nutrient deficiency, excess sweating or sebum on scalp. This problem is simply due to genetic predisposition. In simple words, you are losing hair because your follicle hair units are program to become sensitive to changing hormonal activity in your scalp.

Now you have gotten complete idea of male pattern baldness, so it is right time to know its solution that is available in the form of Hair Transplant in Dubai.

Although there are some temporary solution but you need to be rational. There is no need to spend your hard earned income on temporary solution when you have to seek the permanent solution at the end.

 In case you have lost you have lost your eyebrows along with your scalp hair then you have to seek double treatment one is Eyebrow Transplants in Dubai and second is hair transplantation. It is good to know that your newly transplanted hair will never get affected by the male pattern baldness condition. That’s mean you don’t have to lose your hair again. Go and get this treatment now.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Excellent Cure for Baldness

Looking for the best cure for baldness? It is advisable to opt for Hair Transplantation in Dubai. This procedure is used to treat different forms and degree of permanent baldness. In this procedure, hair follicles are harvested from the donor site of patient’s scalp with the mean of either FUT or FUE method of transplantation. Every technique has benefits and drawbacks. Recent improvement and development in the hair transplant surgery increase chances of hair survival and therefore, offer natural-appealing results to the patients. Natural hair can be retained only when surgeon possesses technical talent and creative ability.

Hair restoration procedure starts with consultation and examination. Almost every surgeon calls the patient for a pre-surgical examination session. Basic purpose of this session is to give complete information regarding the pros and cons to the patient and also to obtain information of his/her expectations. In addition, surgeon needs to make sure that patient is physically sound and healthy. He checks completely the medical history of the patient and also inquires about personal medications; so that he can get complete idea of patient’s health. Once he knows that patient is a good candidate for the surgery. He tells him how to get prepare for the surgery. Surgeon asks the patient to avoid any strenuous activities before the procedure. He prescribes some medications and asks the patient to stop taking aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medicines. Patient also needs to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

During the initial consultation session, surgeon asks the patient which technique of HairTransplant in Dubai he would like to choose. He briefly explains FUE or FUT hair transplantations to the patient; so that it becomes easy for the patient to pick one procedure, which seems the best to him. No matter which procedure a person chooses, he can get good results.

Monday, 14 April 2014

How to Plan for Hair Transplant Surgery in Dubai

Hair replacement surgery requires big investment and therefore, a person needs to make a careful decision. Planning of this surgery is dependent on the understanding of some facts related to Hair Transplantation in Dubai.

Explore these facts below:
Hair transplant surgery is regarded safe when it is done by a qualified and experienced physician. Patient won’t be able to get good results if he gets treatment from an inexperienced surgeon.

Healing abilities and physical reactions of every patient is different from another. There is a possibility that one patient takes more time than another.

Outcomes of hair transplant in Dubai are quite unpredictable. A surgeon can tell you what you can expect after the procedure.

There are some elements of risks and uncertainty related to hair restoration. Patient must know what particular risks of FUE and FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai. The more understanding will let you do the good planning.

It happens many times that grafts don’t grow. In another words, chances of graft survival vary from one person to another.

Patient must know that hair loss progresses with the time. If he faces hair loss problem in future then he may have to undergo through more sessions in future.

Patient must have good and realistic expectations from the results. It is simply impossible that patient gets same coverage that he had before the hair loss. Surgery would definitely camouflage the thin area and offer more fullness.

Consultation and Planning

Patient must have to undergo for a consultation session with his surgeon. This session will help the patient get complete understanding of different options of treating hair loss. There are mainly two main options such as FUE hair transplant and FUT hair transplant. You and your surgeon have to go for table-talk just to decide which option would be suitable for you. Surgeon has to review family history of hair loss and medical history of patient for determining the good procedure for you. He would also provide you complete insight into the procedure of hair transplantation and its associated risks.
Always keep in mind that right planning will lead to good result of hair transplant.