Male pattern baldness or Androgenetic alopecia is
a hair loss problem that occurs underlying hair follicles get vulnerable to Androgenetic
miniaturization. It is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and
women. It is good to know that this condition affects more than 70% of men and
40% of women at sometime in their life. Men who suffer this condition
experience hairline recession at the temple and vertex balding. Women who are
victim to this condition notice thin hair over the top of scalp. This condition
is caused by both genetic and environmental factors; however, its some causes
are still unknown.
Male pattern hair loss is never caused by
ponytails, stress, nutrient deficiency, excess sweating or sebum on scalp. This
problem is simply due to genetic predisposition. In simple words, you are
losing hair because your follicle hair units are program to become sensitive to
changing hormonal activity in your scalp.
Now you have gotten complete idea of male pattern
baldness, so it is right time to know its solution that is available in the
form of Hair Transplant in Dubai.
Although there are some temporary solution but
you need to be rational. There is no need to spend your hard earned income on temporary
solution when you have to seek the permanent solution at the end.
In case
you have lost you have lost your eyebrows along with your scalp hair then you
have to seek double treatment one is Eyebrow Transplants in Dubai and second is hair transplantation. It is good to know
that your newly transplanted hair will never get affected by the male pattern
baldness condition. That’s mean you don’t have to lose your hair again. Go and
get this treatment now.