Wednesday 19 March 2014

Pre-Surgery Instructions for Hair Transplant Dubai

Have you decided to get back your natural hair through hair transplant Dubai? If yes, then it is suggested to keep an eye on pre-surgery instructions. The people who follow these instruction in the right manner then they would be able to enjoy good results. Here are some remarkable instructions.

Normally, doctor advises you to start using a medical shampoo, in case you have dandruff.

You need to consult with your surgeon, if you have some medical problems. Sharing of medical history with your doctor makes it to know whether you medical problem has something to do with Hair Transplantation in Dubai or not.

You should avoid spicy food one day before the surgery. You can take easily digestible food. Don’t go for heavy food.

In case you are a chain smoker or alcoholic drinker then you should stop smoking and drinking one week before surgery.

You should try to relax your head one day before the surgery. It is better to take off from work and take rest at home.

You shouldn’t come for the surgery with empty stomach. You need to take breakfast or launch depending on your surgery timing.

You should wear comfortable clothes with button on the day of surgery. Avoid T-Shirts.

There is no need to wear gold or silver jewelry. Keep your valuables at home.

You can bring DVD/CD for watching during your Hair Transplant in Dubai.

You must bring your family member or friend with you. The person will drive you back to home. You try to avoid driving just after the surgery.

In case you are a body-builder and do heavy exercises then you need to stop such exercises one week before surgery.

It is always good for you to avoid all kind of strenuous activities that can put pressure on your scalp. Try to keep your head relax as much as you can.

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